Saturday, January 1, 2022

My Friend Jim

Oh Jim, oh my friend Jim
You left me, you left me again
Oh Jim, my old friend Jim
You went on fighting again

Oh Jim, oh my friend Jim
Still snows, are you cold again?
Oh Jim, my old friend Jim
Hungry and tired, my man?

Oh Jim, oh my friend Jim
Why are you fighting again?
Oh Jim, my old friend Jim
Come home, come home, my friend!

Stray and proud,
Sweet and stout,
Great black cat with white star on his chest
Stole my heart,
Made me smile,
I wish you are safe and free, my old friend!


Friday, December 6, 2019

How easy is it
for the walls to crumble?
How much will
does it take to be in control?

Are we only flawed animals
With an illusion of power
Over emotion and thought?

Dangerous to ourselves
And the others; unknowing,
Deceived, blinded and sick we exist.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Fear sweeter than nectar
Of melancholy
That feeling penetrating
Chest and sending signals
Making heart rate rise
That feeling of sweet fear
I possess it now
All of a sudden I am the fear
I am the lingering touch
My gaze is ice and scorch
Secret on the surface
You wish you'd  knew
No one and anything else
No chemicals or words
So far beyond, so far away
I wait this world to wither
Faster and readier and calmer
Than a stone spinning in 0-G.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Taking The Dice

Tangled branches cast reflections
In the absence of light, so intricate.
Heart beats faster, recollections
Never before, yet now, so delicate.

Thoughts move quick and deranged
Through vast spaces of the mind.
All decisions have been made
Nothing else there is I can find.

So silent, yet loud, in its voice
No longing, no thoughts whatsoever.
Truly now I have made my choice
To stay afloat tonight, if not forever.

No trust, no opening of the heart,
No more signs of human weakness.
To leave behind all what was tart--
This feeling is truly just a sickness.

I am a castle, I am a wall forevermore.
To lobby for myself only; the night is long.
Nonetheless, the morning has a door
Into normality with the birds' waking song.

All for me, for no one else is this lore:
To be above all games and bitter lies,
Realizing there's always need for more,
I shall leave, taking with me the dice.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Sertraline in her mind
Makes it all even
Yet so far from fine
She is now a seaman

A week full of trials
Starring into silence
No more nightmares.
Rigid jaw muscles

Few hours of sleep
Avoiding excesses
And breathing deep
Not making guesses

Damage has been done
Dark side was released
Slowly rising sun
Glimpses of hope in the mist


Friday, October 7, 2016

Sips of cold autumnal aerial streams

Sips of cold autumnal aerial streams
Dress the soil in withering husks
In fog have been lost all summer dreams
Last remnants hidden in bleak dusks

So sweet is the feeling of solitude
The magick of desolation is divine
Broken shards that we constitute
Perfect in imperfection, gems o' time


Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Waters of Lethe carry me away
Bring sweet nighttime into day
Let me forget and dull all pain
Make me complete once again

Turn the misery into wine
As I loose all track of time
I am your slave, oh murky river
Bound to the shores of silver

Soon there will be no more me
Feeding on my soul, flowing into sea
Taking more than what you give
Lethe, in your fluid I bereave

Every time so close to drown
Every day not unlike the 'morrow
Shall I gather the remnants of will
And leave the waters so shrill?

Perhaps after I get drenched again..
One more sip of ambrosia into my vein
Another hour in your precious embrace
My mind and body, away they waste


Thursday, August 27, 2015


Cat Power, takeoff during a sunset.
Then ambers of the windy city below.
Haven't felt this cozy before on a jet.
The cage became a cradle. Going home.


The moonlight dresses shadows

in long silver shrouds.
Crushing waves come to us,
lightnings descent, clouds
Full of rain, it washes through
all ashes and all doubts
As light from fire dances
celebrating all tomorrows.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Step through the door

Step through the door
And shiver no more
Leave stormy seas and your ship behind

Rest by the fire
Tonight you're my Sire
Heal with wine your wandering mind

I will tell you stories
Calm all your worries
With my singing all through the night

Pay me with smile
On this lonely isle
Warm my heart with light of your eyes  


Monday, June 29, 2015

Some old poetry I found

Riddle of Steel

I stand bare in front of the storm
No strength left but anger
My hands rust with blood
My vision gets dark, but the heat
From within raises steam in the wind
My voice is gone, I can only scream
I've lost my face, I am a beast
No thoughts but the void
No mercy, no love, no compassion
Only the weapon and the flesh
Bound together forever focused
By the will: I know the riddle of steel
With no fear I rush into battle
To never look behind
Only the misty horizon ahead
Sharp edges of the mountains
Salt of the ocean in the air
No rules, no promises, no fate
I know no other way
I need no reasons but to stand
To not be on my knees on any land



Avalanche, feedback, chain reaction.
Liquid gas unchains from Neptune.
My factory starts a new production,
Movement carries ocean into a tune.

Reactor's bed was concrete.
Never reinforced, it had no fears.
Never intended to be split
By the shimmer of Neptune's tears.

Relation between celestial bodies
Reaches the critical mass, melting,
Setting free the rays for goddess.
Ongoing production, temple's ending.
